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Marble Surface


Facial Contouring and Body Remodeling

What is ACCUtite?

ACCUtite is the smallest minimally invasive radiofrequency contraction device on the market. AccuTite delivers precision heating to small and delicate areas of the face and body, addressing hard to reach areas of the face and body, without leaving surgical scars. Precision fat reduction or skin contraction is done under local anesthesia in an office setting, performed by a medical doctor.

What Areas Can I ACCUtite?

-Offers contouring and fat reduction in small areas like jawlines.

-RFAL pinpoint accuracy for treating brows and the periorbital area.

-Provides visible contouring to the nasolabial folds, lower face and neck.

High Precision Face Contouring ACCUtite sculpts and contours hard to reach areas with precision heating, like the jawline and other delicate facial areas. It delivers exceptional skin remodeling and contouring results without excisional surgery. It is also ideal for remodeling small body areas. The ACCUtite is the smallest minimally invasive device designed specifically to reduce fat and contract skin in small areas like the knees.

We offer Nitrus Seal!

Nitrous Seal is the perfect help for clients who are prone to discomfort during treatment. It’s a safe combination of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen (N20) which clients inhale at their preference during treatment. 

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